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Bon-Seok KooSolo Exhibition

18 January - 14 February, 2019

From January 25 to February 14, artist Bon-Seok Koo expresses the night view of a city with acrylc and LED will be holding the solo exhibition <DYING NIGHT> at L GALLERY, Samcheong-dong. The solo exhibitions in 3 years will be focusing on the weight of life hidden inside the splendid night view of a city in the structure of capitalism.

Artist Koo explains that “In the perspective of a third person, the truth of the city cannot be seen”. In far distance, the beads series composed like a countless number of cells and Light-Emitting Diode (LED) series create a city in the aerial view and it feels like looking at the structure of the most perfect world. However, when the works are observed in detail, the abstract and figurative elements such as unknown composition or circuit feel like immaterial property and only provide a feeling of emptiness. Although we are attracted to the illustrative form of a city, the artist uses ‘Dot’ to express the emotions of people composing the city.

<DYING NIGHT> rearranges and restructures the reverse side of the life finely hidden in the artworks with the essay-type of records written by the artist himself. Each artwork with a separate frame will be placed like a one installation art to express the artist’s archive into an empire.

In addition, <DYING NIGHT> will be also exhibiting all forms of the artist’s archive including the artist’s LED series, beads series, and new works. By looking at the artworks with the texts of unreleased note recorded for the artworks, the audiences will have a chance to find themselves living in a cold city. Also, the exhibition hopes the audiences to think of Charlie Chaplin’s saying, “Life Is a Tragedy When Seen in Close-Up But a Comedy in Long-shot”, with the artworks.

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